Sky Photography


Browse Software


Small team - big dream

UnixRT is an independent studio working to

bring modern-day technology solutions to

people and businesses of all kinds.

Currently, there are many different projects

in development, targeted towards small

companies looking for low-priced solutions

to their everyday needs, such as

Point-of-Sale applications.

If you’re seeking a solution, contact UnixRT

and discuss what steps should be taken

to meet your needs.

What do we offer?

  • Software Development
  • Tech Support
  • Custom Builds

We will develop software for your company to use for

your everyday needs, whether that be a Point-of-Sale ​app, or another app that serves a more specific ​function. Additionally, in our Software section, you ​can see what software we have already developed ​and released, and/or what we are working on. We also ​offer tech support for your company. We also build ​computers, and will build custom computers to meet ​your specific hardware needs.